Heathen Moon thanks you for all your wyrd & wonderful support!
Heathen Moon thanks you for all your wyrd & wonderful support!
Operation Olive Branch is an initiative that we believed in with our whole hearts. With the claims that have surfaced 01/05/25 we have stopped linking but we will continue to educate ourselves and keep informed as to where our efforts are best used and will continue to amplify and support initiatives that are vetted, now, until Palestine is Free, and in the years to come.
As a spiritual entity of Ryan and myself (Amanda) Heathen Moon has always been open about our politics. We will never shy away from learning. Amplifying voices of oppressed people is the least we can do. Continue to boycott using the BDS movement guidelines.
I am going to talk to you today about the learning I have been doing since October 7th about Palestine and Israel. I didn’t know much before October 7th. I need you to open your hearts and minds and not turn away. If you feel uncomfortable right now, know that you are safe.
One of the most important things to remember is that this is not outside of us. It is not something that is JUST happening in Palestine as of October 7th. The genocide that is happening before our eyes in Palestine has been occurring for a very long time in waves. The calls for immediate action and ceasefire are central to Palestine because of the atrocities that are occurring at the hands of the Israeli occupying forces. They need our immediate attention, witnessing and action. But this also is about Sudan, Congo, it was and still is Haiti, it is here across Turtle Island, the genocide of First Nations communities due to the british colonial powers and present white supremacy seen across turtle Island.
Imperialism affects MANY lands across the globe. It is ALL interconnected.
I want to explain that I am not the center of this conversation. I have these resources because I have meticulously curated the media I consume - not in a freedom convoy conspiracy theory kind of way…I learn from people, posts and communities that align with my spirit and the spirit in which I wish to see within the world and for the future. I have been on an anti racist, anti fascist and de-settling (decolonial) journey within my inner and outer spirit for a decade. This is deep, it is unsettling and I have lost a lot. I have lost Friends, family, communities, opportunities and I have severed a lot from myself. This is tireless work. But it is one that I am intimately and ceaselessly passionate about.
I am going to get very spicy, and I wish I was sorry, but I really am not. I will hold space for you and help guide you to resources…but if your spirituality stops at your immediate comfort…if it stops at your friends and family and doesn’t include global or political actions …then you are using your sphere of influence not to bolster a brighter future for everyone, but only to serve yourself. And this means you will only go so far in your spiritual journey, in your magic and the depth that you meet yourself and others.
No matter the level of privilege or intersectional marginalization. I recognize there are stages to privilege.
This is systemic…if we are lower middle class, we are likely moving pay cheque to pay cheque, therefore we cannot afford to reach deeply into our pockets to help with monetary support…There are only so many things we can do in an economic crisis and late stage capitalism, these are systems of oppression and they affect us ALL. It is important that you review and reflect on the way that these systems benefit AND hinder you. And then find ways that you can make meaningful impacts.
This is something that requires community. Something that the white western colonial system of white supremacy doesn’t want us to have.
If you don’t have community for that, consider this your CALL IN - reach out to me, I will share resources and help you learn and make your ripples in the grand ocean of life COUNT.
Even if our influence SEEMS minimal, every DROP COUNTS.
Leesa Renée Hall has an incredible book that I highly recommend everyone read - it is The Inner Field Trip https://innerfieldtrip.com/
I am currently on a journey within this field trip untangling myself from my Inner Oppressor. I feel this is a VITAL experience for everyone. One of the things that I found most illuminating is white westernization of individualism to want to jump in and save - this is white savior complex. There is a vital step that Leesa highlights we often miss and that is SITTING with the discomfort and looking to others who have ALREADY been doing the work and learning from and lending our energy to their work. Not creating a whole new framework where we (white people) are at the center. Because we are not. People of the global majority have been calling for us for SO LONG to do this work. They have shown us, they have GIVEN freely (please remember to pay for freely given knowledge and emotional labour where you can. Reparations and reconciliation can and should happen every. Single. Day.
All that being said. Here are the folks, communities, and resources I have been learning from in regards to Palestine and educating myself on zionism and genocide in the middle east / global south.
Hope Peddler is a Lawyer and has a great video on propaganda and how the mainstream media has had a really hard time turning the narrative around. They have doubled down the last two months to try to create discourse around folks who are calling for a ceasefire and a free Palestine. This narrative over the last 2 months has been disproven again and again and again, with facts and statistics and an entire history lessons. People are paying attention to the dark recesses of the colonial structure and those that didn’t know, can’t look away - we can never go back to not KNOWING what is and has been happening for the last 75 years in Palestine because of the illegal occupation of Israel, sanctioned by the US and Britain.
What the mainstream media is now trying to spin is that “tiktok is radicalizing people to take the side of terrorism” . This tactic is committed to discrediting the work that people have been doing. This is a desperate act to make us internalize this feeling of shame and “oh shit AM I ON THE WRONG SIDE?” - there is only ONE thing to say to people who reiterate this new propaganda. Hope says to only say ONE sentence, don’t give any extra energy to this rhetoric. This is a tactic that she uses as a lawyer when the other side says something preposterous and doesn’t touch the substance for the case in anyway, but is meant only to control the narrative…. “If being against the genocide of innocent people makes me radicalized, then I guess I'm radicalized.” and then MOVE ON.
Find Hope Peddler here: @hope_peddler
I would like you to know - that in the US and in Canada - we learn about propaganda from a World War One historical reference. Other places in the world…continue to learn about propaganda in school, using CURRENT US and Canadian propaganda.
Imperialism definition: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
On Canada Project
Free Palestine - On Canada Project
“Think of us as the alternative to the status quo and an antidote to hate, driven by warmth, wit, and a no-nonsense attitude. Together, let's craft the future, in pursuit of collective liberation.”
Lead Now
Stop the violence | Leadnow.ca
They offer call banks - we sit on zoom for a few hours a day and make calls to our local and federal governments demanding a ceasefire. They share boycott information, they have call scripts and petition resources and step by step calls to action and how to complete them.
MPs: call for an immediate ceasefire | Leadnow.ca
This is a direct link to fill out a form to contact your local MPs.
***I have set up a separate email specifically for activism. One that I have auto emails sent out to local Members of Parliament and the federal government. As WELL as calls to action for the US Government.
Inclusive Canada
“Inclusive Canada was co-created by WoC and is grassroots, volunteer-led organization dedicated to creating equality through understanding with an experienced educational approach, and equity through our calls-to-action and hands-on work within various communities. We seek racial justice, collective liberation, healthy transformation and undeniable freedom for all those oppressed”
They have a number of calls to action - not just for Palestine but local to Canadian surrounding areas and mutual aid opportunities to support.
Canadian: E-4649 Foreign Affairs Ceasefire Petition - Any House of Commons petitions send a confirmation email to your email address and you MUST click the link to SUBMIT your signage of the petition or your signature will not count. This petition has closed. It became the most signed petition in Canadian history by a landslide. Journalist Rachel Gilmore noted that this means that parliament HAS to respond to this petition. Justin Trudeau has to directly address the calls for a ceasefire. It has to table this response in the house of commons. This petition is backed by NDP Alexandre Boulerice. We can expect a response within 45 calendar days from the petition closing. This petition closed on November 23rd. Which is as early as January 7th.
There are many other petitions you can sign - Change.org is a great resource for these.
Boycotting and Striking:
Boycotting and striking is an important piece for us to do to enact and engage in actionable steps towards peace and a free Palestine and liberation for all. It shows the governments where we put our money matters, it shows that we are not just mindlessly consuming. But we are taking care of what we are supporting.
Starbucks has already lost over 12M, if there isn’t an alternative to something on the boycott list and you MUST purchase, please don’t fixate on that. Do what you CAN and do it often.
Boycott Divest Sanctions
“Anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the BDS movement, led by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, is inclusive and categorically opposes as a matter of principle all forms of racism, including Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.
BDS campaigns target the Israeli state because of its responsibility for serious violations of international law and the companies and institutions that participate in and are complicit in these Israeli violations. The BDS movement does not boycott or campaign against any individual or group simply because they are Israeli.
The world is growing increasingly weary of Israel's attempts to conflate criticism of its violations of international law with anti-Semitism and to conflate Zionism with Judaism. Israel is a state, not a person. Everyone has the right to criticize the unjust actions of a state.”
The BDS Movement
The Palestinian-led BDS movement is a global campaign initiated in 2005 following a call from Palestinian civil society for the international community to use the tactics of boycott, divestment and sanctions to oppose Israel's regime of settler-colonialism, military occupation and apartheid.
Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the Palestinian BDS call urges nonviolent pressure on Israel, including through pressuring international companies or institutions that are propping up Israel's system of oppression, until it complies with international law by meeting three demands:
1) End the colonisation and occupation of all Palestinian land, and dismantle the apartheid wall.
2) Recognise the fundamental rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality.
3) Respect, protect and promote the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties.”
Here are some of the people I am currently learning from: ** If any of these creators have broadcast channels *they are usually free* I highly suggest joining them! They share content that gets largely censored or shadow banned if inside the main feed of platforms, this is a really great way to stay connected. If they have Newsletters - Join them! If they have substacks - Join them!
Jewish Voice for Peace
The Collectress
Ismatu Gwendolyn
Dr Nahla
Juliet Diaz
WABA ALLIANCE https://www.instagram.com/thewabaalliance/
Sim Kern
Madeline Pendleton
Yk Hong
Emma Akiko
Shares and breaks down United Nations talking points and information. The security council met recently calling for an immediate ceasefire - the US voted no, which means the ceasefire resolution didn’t pass. The US and Canada are complicit in the atrocities that are happening. Emma’s video is an important one and I really suggest checking out her entire page.
Wizard Bisan
Motaz Azaiza
James is Smiling shares great resources and acts as a directory of sorts to creators who are speaking out on various topics. Also amplifies folks who get banned.
Nurse Connor
Sincerely Awa
Eyes.on.palestine on the ground coverage and education
Ilanastrology - if you want an Israeli perspective on propaganda and imperialism.
Hellofellowyouth - Since has been banned find videos here:
Yassmin_am - yassmin abdel magied
caffeine .and.lamotrigine
I leave you now with an earnest request. One that I have made publicly with my friend and co-spectre Luna.
May our hearts never harden in the face of atrocities. May we not look away, but witness. May we take aim and seek out actionable steps and things to do. We may not be able to complete the work. But we are not free to abandon it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them now. If you have suggestions please send them. My DMs are open. If you feel called but don't know where to start, the above list is a good option.
Kehlani - has a list of who to follow in and from Gaza. (Pictured above)
I am a privileged person in that I am learning about the systemic and ongoing oppression of Indigenous people, here in so called Canada, across Turtle Island, and Indigenous folks and communities in other colonized areas of the globe. What I have learned, that is incredibly glaring, is how ACCESIBLE this education is. How accessible a lot of it has been for many, many, MANY years. How sharing perspectives of the atrocities that occurred and are still occurring is freely given, with an incredible amount of love, understanding and compassion that a lot of us, don't deserve. But it's there anyways. Because Indigenous communities are a place where people are held, and helped. And if what you need is perspective to help you understand to help you SEE that you can do better. That's what they do. Freely.
A lot of the resources I am going to highlight below are free. BUT I encourage every single one of you to donate if you have the means to, because this education is labour. And like I said above, it is freely given, because at the core of this, is a desire to see everyone do their part to be better and know better and feel...not just better. That's such an oversimplification, to encourage action and maintain momentum towards Truth & Reconciliation, where the statement of Every Child Matters, is a recognized fact. To quote the Orange Shirt Society..." ...we believe you can support Reconciliation every day, in your own way."
Their belief in us, even after so much hurt, sorrow, and continued oppression should be enough to do better.
Orange Shirt Society - Growing awareness of the individual, family and community intergenerational impacts of Residential Schools. At OSS, we believe you can support Reconciliation every day, in your own way.
RAVEN responds to Applications for Support from Indigenous Nations across Canada.
Home on Native Land course
Show your support for WET’SUWET’EN
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Truth & Reconciliation calls to Action.
We encourage you to read The Truth & Reconciliation Act, which has 94 calls to action. Read up and then head over to your email to get an email out to the federal government & your local MLA to ask what they are doing to bring these calls to action to the forefront.
Justice for Indigenous Women, Girls and 2Spirit Kin.
Accomplice vs Ally
Speaking My Truth has been selected from the Aboriginal Healing Foundation's (AHF) three-volume Truth and Reconciliation series, which includes Vol I From Truth to Reconciliation, Vol II Response, Responsibility, and Renewal, and Vol III Cultivating Canada.
Guide to ally ship
Settlers Take Action
Native Women’s Association of Canada
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women
Water is Life: Sign the petition for fuck sake
Indigenous Creators & Educators on Instagram:
@Rsinger02 @officialsherrymckay @Gaytivefrommikmaki @shayla0h @wetsuweten_checkpoint @adecolonizingdaughter @decolonizemyself @indigenousrising @indigenouseducators @iiycfamily @aptn_ca @indigenousclimateaction @theindigenousfoundation @theindigenousanarchist @matriarch.movement
𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒛𝒆 / Unsettle 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒇:
Price Paid by Bev Sellars
Calling Down the Sky by Rosanna Deerchild
First Peoples in Canada by Alan D. McMillan & Eldon YellowhornTurtle Island
The story of North America’s First People - Eldon Yellowhorn & Kathy Lowinger
We Are Water Protectors - Carole Lindstrom Illustrated by Michaela Goade
This Place: 150 Years Retold
https://projectofheart.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Speaking-My-Truth.pdf Speaking My Truth has been selected from the Aboriginal Healing Foundation's (AHF) three-volume Truth and Reconciliation series, which includes Vol I From Truth to Reconciliation, Vol II Response, Responsibility, and Renewal, and Vol III Cultivating Canada.
𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆, 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒖𝒕:
🧡The Urban Native Youth Association - https://unya.bc.ca/
The talented youth at Urban Native Youth Association are making an impact in our community. Learn about their successes.
🧡Fraser Aboriginal Friendship Centre Agency - https://frafca.org/
We foster the health and well-being of urban Indigenous people in the Fraser Salish Region by providing culturally-relevant services, support, and advocacy.
🧡Spirit of the Children Society - https://sotcs.ca/
An Indigenous non-profit society based in British Columbia, Canada. We serve families in the Burnaby, New Westminster, and the Tri-Cities area (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody). We work to empower and strengthen Indigenous families by providing support and resources through the programs we offer.
These organizations are an integral part in healing within communities.
Page 168 from 150 Years: Retold - The Razor Slash. Depicting the effects of the pipeline within sacr
Chicago-based Indigenous artist of the Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate (“People of the End Village”).
This work by David Bernie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may download, share, and post the images under the condition that the works are attributed to the artist.
Jamie Black: https://www.jaimeblackartist.com/exhibitions/
Call to Action 41 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls timeline: https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/timeline/
Final report released June 2019: https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Final_Report_Vol_1b.pdf which includes 231 calls for justice that “represent important ways to end the genocide and to transform systemic and societal values that have worked to maintain colonial violence.” P168.
Project Peace & Honouring Indigenous Women Toolkit: https://www.nwac.ca/assets-knowledge-centre/NWAC-Resource-Zine-2019-web-1.pdf
Unreserved: Tackling the Crisis of MMIWG2S+ https://open.spotify.com/episode/7r7NEnbXnuJfO8MsxFeovC?si=VWoqrn4TTJKCIzYvseqPXg
Northern Cree: To all MMIWG2S https://open.spotify.com/track/43wLbdvo7cgyIiLi1gPuJn?si=dFhWFwVCQxCUnWl9LEETRg
The Heathens Against Hate official Declaration 127 : http://pagandeclaration.com/#joinUs
Our family here at Heathen Moon are univited guests within the S’ólh Téméxw (Stó:lō) & Coast Salish territories of the Ts’elxwéyeqw First Nations people. The Ts'elxweyeqw, one of the Nations of the Stó:lō, are the first people of Chilliwack river watershed in the Central Fraser Valley. Whose traditional land & territory we live, learn, work, play and make magic upon. We are grateful for the opportunities to share space with, learn from, work with, listen and hold witness the people, ancestors, matriarchs, spirits and creatures present and past whose stewardship and cultural teachings have brought life to the land on which we dwell. We offer thanks and immeasurable gratitude for the opportunities to unlearn, look within and desettle our lives and remove colonialism from our hearts and minds. We are committed to this work within ourselves no matter how uncomfortable turning our gaze inward to examine ourselves is, we are committed to this discovery in every aspect. We are committed to calling in those we are in community with who are learning to gaze inward themselves. We listen to the rightful stewards and guardians of the land.
We are Heathens Against Hate - wh*te su*rem*cy has NO place in our beliefs. But it is a privilege to learn second hand the atrocities that Indigenous, Black and Brown people are faced with everyday. We recognize the privilege in our alabaster pasty mayonnaise skin, and strive to be accomplices and witnesses to Indigenous Sovereignty. Ryan and I check in daily to ensure we are listening, relearning, unlearning and doing what we can to grow as we unsettle, and dismantle systemic oppression. Within ourselves, the environment and the communities in which we live and work within.
Witchcraft, Paganism, Heathenry is political, believing in anything other than capitalism, colonialism and christianity is political. Contact your MLA's, Mayor's, Provincial and Federal Government's. Amplify Indigenous creators, their stories and content. Not just now, always.
Visit www.native-land.ca to find out what land your city & town are settled/colonized upon.
Make your own reparations. This "not me, not my family" rhetoric is bullshit. If your family was here in 1996 or earlier, we are all complicit in the lack of reconciliation and reparation. If you voted before 1996 like most of our parents did, and if they didn't look at the platforms of their representatives. It's ON US to make the changes we want to see in the world.
From Leadnow:
"Non-Indigenous people who live here still benefit from colonialism, which means we all have a role to play in reconciliation. Here are some ways you can take action: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has 94 calls to action, including 6 which directly relate to the residential school systems. We ask that you take the time to read these calls to actions, acknowledge the privilege we all have living on stolen land, and amplify the calls for justice from Indigenous peoples — not just in moments like these, but always."
If you don't have the ability to formulate emails, LeadNow has resources for templates and links to actionable strategies.
An example of their template and actionable strategies is below linked here:
Not just today, but for always. Thank you to all the land, spirit, air & water defenders, we celebrate and revere your brilliance and beauty.
Committing to change and uplifting community starts with listening. Really leaning in and paying attention to what Indigenous Nations are saying and recognize that they have been calling for action for entirely too long, it is time for us to amplify their voices and raise awareness at every chance we can.
The Star card from the Gentle Tarot displayed on a one card holder made of apple wood.
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